

If you have been offered a place and have accepted, you can now provide us some vital enrolment info here. We will process your enrolment and call you if necessary.

If you are a first year progressing onto the second year either direct from LCPA or from the LSEC Year 1, click here to provide some info and we will process your enrolment on to year 2.

We will call you on the number you provide if there are any questions or problems.

Email us if you need to.

START DATE: 13/9/22

Our enrolment process will be through our partner college London South East College’s online system for 2022. Please note: There will not necessarily currently be a physical enrolment process onsite for September 2022 intake until you start the course.

Accepting your offer

If you have been offered a place by LCPA you will have received an LCPA acceptance form which you need to send back. If you have been offered a place through LSEC’s application process, you may not have received this but don’t worry, this does not mean there is any problem with your place on the course. Please send an email to our admissions office confirming that you are accepting your place or fill in the above form so we can match it to your offer.

GCSE results

If you have received a conditional offer, please send us your GCSE results when you have them. Whatever happens, don’t worry - if we need to we can arrange for you to join English and/or Maths classes and retakes within the college so you need to send us results as soon as you have them.


We communicate with you via email.

The most important thing is that we have a valid email address for you that you will read so we can keep in touch. If you think we might not have it, please send us this today.


Our dates differ slightly from the main LSEC dates and may differ from dates posted on lsec.ac.uk.

The first tuition week on Performing Arts and Production Arts is the week commencing 12th September (*N.B. Maths and English lessons at LSEC start the week earlier). ID badges will then be issued on your first visit to Greenwich Campus.

At the moment, please do not visit LCPA in Abbey Wood or Greenwich Campus to attempt to enrol.

Updates will be posted here.